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La Ruota del Tempo Forum dedicato al ciclo fantasy di Robert Jordan "La Ruota del Tempo"

uscita Knife of Dream, spoiler 11°

  • Messaggi
  • gwenny
    00 19/10/2004 22:25
    E' ufficiale la data di uscita nei paesi di lingua inglese di Kinfe of Dream: 6 ottobre 2005.
    Purtroppo per aspettare l'edizione in paperback ce ne vorrà ancora un po'... [SM=x494525]
  • frankifol
    00 23/10/2004 14:07
    altro che paperback....perparo fin da ora i 25 30 € necessari per l'hardcover....
    Post: 4
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 16/04/2005 18:49

    Scritto da: frankifol 23/10/2004 14.07
    altro che paperback....perparo fin da ora i 25 30 € necessari per l'hardcover....

    Anche io!!!Non vedo l'ora!
    Il 10 è stato una vera delusione!!Noiosissimo!
  • frankifol
    00 14/07/2005 22:23
    magri un po' ot, ma non mi andava di aprire un altro thread....

    dunque, beccatevi sto copia incolla da un forum estero e sfoderate l'inglese che vive in voi...

    alright, it's in Galad's pov. He and 3 other Children (Dain Bornhald, Jaret Byar and Lord Captain Trom) are riding towards a manor in Amadicia that used to be the King's, but now the Seanchan have given it to Eamon Valda.

    Yes, the Children are now allied with the Seanchan. That's probably the biggest plot bit in this prologue snippet. Valda has sent the other Lord Captains to Nassad to meet with the Seanchan, and wants to know why Trom isn't with them.

    They arrive, and the manor has not only Valda but Asunawa. They have their usual power struggle going on. Trom infoms Valda that one of his Children wants a Trial Beneath the Light against another for a crime committed against a female relative. Valda spouts off that old ways and laws should be revived, and and over Asunawa's objections sanctions the Trial Beneath the Light. So Galad steps up and accuses Valda of assaulting and murdering Morgase.

    So Galad knew Morgase was alive and was being held against her will in the Fortress of Light. Not sure if that was ever cemented.

    Another thing revealed is that Eamon Valda is a Blademaster. Not sure if that was mentioned earlier. But how a Blademaster is determined was presented. Ten blademasters sit in judgement of one's skills, and they all must vote unanimously to award the title.

    more spoilers below....

    Galad and Valda fight. Lots of sword forms back and forth. i particularly like the tactic used to finish it. When the fight is over, Asunawa and all the Questioners have disappeared, heading towards Nassad. Asunawa did NOT want the Trial to occur. It's suggested that Asunawa is going to rally the other Lord Captains against the victor. As part of the Trial, whoever loses has their name stricken from the rolls and anathema declared on his memory.

    more spoilers below...

    Galad wins. Eamon Valda is killed. Trom offers to release Galad from the Children, since he thinks some of the other Lord Captains may call for his arrest and execution. Galad refuses, saying Trom can't release all the men Asunawa would go after if Galad gets away. Nor release the Children held captive by the Seanchan for defending the Fortress of the Light. Angry grumbles from the surrounding men: they don't like the current situation. Trom asks Galad what he would do. Galad says he'd find an enemy of the Seanchan and ally with them, to make sure the Children are there to fight the last battle, not tied up by the Seanchan hunting Aiel and stealing their own nations. Someone brings up "even Aes Sedai." Galad says that if they expect to fight Tarmon Gai'don, then they will fihgt alongside Aes Sedai. Then Byar, of all people, quotes the Precepts saying that to fight the Raven you may make alliances with the serpent until the battle is done. The Raven in the Precept is the Shadow, but all know the Raven is the sigil of Seanchan.

    Interesting... i wonder if some of the Children's Precepts could be prophetic. Raven and Serpent are obvious signs of Seanchan and Aes Sedai.

    Another Child says he'll fight alongside Witches or Asha'man if it's against the Seanchan and in the Last Battle. (in that order)

    more spoilers....

    then Trom tells Galad that, by Law, he is now the new Lord Captain Commander. Galad thinks it's a joke. But then everyone there supports him. Everyone but the one Child Valda ordered to hold his heron-marked sword and helmet. That Child just gives them to Galad, saying these are yours, Lord Captain Commander.

    In the end, Galad thinks to himself that he had to do this, he had to go, because it was the Right thing to do.
    Lews Therin
    Post: 139
    Età: 37
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 15/07/2005 09:51
    Tutto qui? ma non dovevano succedere cose incredibili?
    si tratta solo di sporchi affari tra i seanchan e i mantibianchi...
  • frankifol
    00 15/07/2005 23:24
    ???....del tipo che galad lord captain commander e possibili future alleanze tra manti ed gente che incanala ti pare poco? e certo che poi ci si lamenta che non succede niente...[SM=x494527]
    Lews Therin
    Post: 139
    Età: 37
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 16/07/2005 04:54
    mi aspettavo la notizia che avrei comentato "gasp, e adesso?"
    galad.....non è che si scoprirà che può incanalare? sarebbe davvero divertente...
  • gwenny
    00 20/07/2005 21:16
    Considerando che in parte la capacità di incanalare è ereditaria e Galad è, dopotutto, fratellastro sia di Rand che di Elayne e ha Moiraine come zia... [SM=x494526] ... che bello un Manto Bianco che incanala [SM=x494541] [SM=x494541] [SM=x494541] [SM=x494541] [SM=x494541]

    Non vedo l'ora che arrivi ottobre [SM=x494542] [SM=x494543]
    Lews Therin
    Post: 139
    Età: 37
    Sesso: Maschile
    00 21/07/2005 00:59
    non un semplice mantobianco, ma niente meno che il lord capitano comandante...
    Post: 2.977
    Età: 30
    Sesso: Maschile
    Bardo di Corte
    00 03/10/2005 22:41

    non un semplice mantobianco, ma niente meno che il lord capitano comandante...

    e per di più innamorato perso di Egwene, chissà quando saprà di lei e di Gawyn....

    sempre a proposito di Galad: Min a un certo punto predice a Rand che nel futuro di Berelaine vede un uomo vestito di bianco...sarà forse lui?

    [Modificato da -kay- 03/10/2005 22.42]

    Thus is our treaty written; thus is agreement made.
    Thought is the arrow of time; memory never fades.
    What was asked is given. The price is paid.

  • frankifol
    00 03/10/2005 23:53
    l'idea di galad e barelain è stata sollevata daparecchi. Di certo farebbero dei bei figli....[SM=x494541]