00 16/09/2008 20:47
Questi capitoli sulla storia degli Aiel sono S-T-U-P-E-N-D-I!! [SM=x494549]
Mi hanno tramesso emozioni molto forti..
E i Tua'than che un tempo erano Aiel.. [SM=x494544] RJ ci sorprende sempre [SM=x494586]
E poi veniamo a conoscenza di qualche dettaglio in più sull'Epoca Leggendaria! Bei tempi [SM=x494541]
Il pezzo dove viene bucata la prigione del Tenebroso è da paura, così come quello della "riunione" delle Aes Sedai che profetizzano il ritorno del Drago e danno l'incarico all'Uomo verde e a Jonai

Do you know what happened to the Aiel at Tzora?”
He nodded, and she sighed, reaching out to smooth his short hair as if he were a child.
“Of course you do. You Da’shain have more courage than...
Ten thousand Aiel linking arms and singing, trying to remind a madman of who they were and who he had been,
trying to turn him with their bodies and a song. Jaric Mondoran killed them.
He stood there, staring as though at a puzzle, killing them, and they kept closing their lines and singing.
I am told he listened to the last Aiel for almost an hour before destroying him.
And then Tzora burned, one huge flame consuming stone and metal and flesh.
There is a sheet of glass where the second greatest city in the world once stood.”
“Many people had time to flee, Aes Sedai. The Da’shain earned them time to flee. We are not afraid.”

[SM=x494586] [SM=x494549] [SM=x494586]