00 22/12/2006 14:41

Scritto da: KnightofSwords 21/12/2006 10.28
Ho trovato un po' di citazioni in lingua originale, sono uno spasso :D
quindi ho deciso di sottoporvi un indovinello, e non sbirciate su internet :P

A quali personaggli della ruota appartengono queste frasi?

1)As well you try to understand the sun. It simply is, and it is not to be understood. You cannot live without it, but it exacts a price. So with women.

2)Death is lighter than a feather, but Duty is heavier than a mountain.

3)Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this. Men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget.

4)One pretty woman means fun at the dance. Two pretty women mean trouble in the house. Three pretty women mean run for the hills.

5)When a woman says she will obey you, of her own will, it is time to sleep lightly and watch your back.

6)That was all he ever really wanted from women; a smile, a dance, a kiss, and to be remembered fondly.

7)The Creator made women to please the eye and trouble the mind.

8)If the world was ending, a woman will want time to fix her hair. If the world's ending, a woman will take time to to tell a man something he's done wrong.

La numero 3 e' di Thom.....

Avevo aperto questo topic proprio per commentare quella frase che mi era piaciuta molto....

Un Anello per domarli,
un Anello per trovarli,
un Anello per condirli
e nel sugo cucinarli

Una pietra che rotola non raccoglie mai sugo

"Come ti chiami?"
"Mi chiamo John Coffey. Come la bevanda, solo scritto in un modo diverso."