00 27/05/2013 18:11
Non mi è chiaro questo passaggio:

They had followed the Caemlyn Road, until at last Moiraine sat forward in Aldieb's saddle, peering
eastward as if she could see the whole length of the great highway, all the many miles to Caemlyn, and see, too,
what waited there.
Eventually the Aes Sedai let out a long breath and settled back. "The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills,"
she murmured, "but I cannot believe it weaves an end to hope. I must first take care of that of which I can be
certain. It will be as the Wheel weaves." And she turned her mare north, off the road into the forest. One of the
boys was in that direction with the coin Moiraine had given him. Lan followed.

Cosa sente Moir? [SM=x494546]
