00 10/09/2009 13:27

As Ba’alzamon put forth his hand, Rand pushed himself up, threw himself desperately
toward Callandor, still glittering and flashing in midair. He did not know whether he could reach
it, or touch it if he did, but he was sure it was his only chance.
Ba’alzamon’s blow struck him as he leapt, struck inside him, a ripping and crumpling,
tearing something loose, trying to pull a part of him away. Rand screamed. He felt as if he were
collapsing like an empty sack, as if he were being turned inside out. The pain in his side, the
wound taken at Falme, was almost welcome, something to hang onto, a reminder of life.. His
hand closed convulsively. On Callandor’s hilt.
The One Power surged through him, a torrent greater than he could believe, from saidin into
the sword.

Qui Rand sta incanalando e si getta verso Callandor, ma la spada si attiva come Sa'Angreal solo quando la tocca.

D'altra parte qui:

He reached through the small angreal in his waistband, and more of the Power flowed into him.

ha l'angreal infilato nella cintura... ma non viene specificato se lo sta toccando o meno, probabilmente non c'e l'ha in bella vista, quindi è lecito supporre che sia a contatto con il corpo, sotto i vestititi, però non è chiaro...
[Modificato da Master_T 10/09/2009 14:19]

"La migliore carbonara tra la Dorsale del Mondo e l'oceano Arith."

Jain Farstrider