00 24/09/2011 02:37
Non proprio.

La frase su Tomas e' "He was a Darkfriend himself, child" Verin said. "Wanting a way out. Well, there really isn't a way out, not once the Great Lord has its claws in you. But there was a way to fight, to make up a little of what you have done. I offered that chance to Tomas, and I believe he was quite grateful to me for it".
Sui giuramenti, si dice solo che "The oaths one makes to the Great Lord are quite specific"..."And, when they are placed upon one who can channel, they are quite binding. Impossible to break. You can double cross other Darkfriends, you can turn against the Chosen if you can justify it. Selfishness must be preserved. But you can never betray him. You can never betray the order to outsiders. But the oaths are specific. Very specific.”

Non si commenta da alcuna parte su quanto questi giuramenti possano legare un non incalanatore. Anzi. Nel libro 1, Gode e Paitr spifferanno parecchi dettagli degli Amici delle Tenebre a Mat e Rand, tradendo ampiamente i piani dell’organizzazione. Nel libro 1, Padan Fain confessa a Moraine (per quanto si fosse gia’ fuso con Mordeth, forse questo ha spezzato i suoi giuramenti?). Nel libro 2, Ingtar fa lo stesso con Rand, per quanto, per farmi da auto avvocato del Diavolo, si possa sostenere che l’abbia fatto solo dopo aver deciso di morire, sfruttando quindi l’indentico difetto utilizzato da Verin. Leggendo la scena, non mi pare Ingtar sia certo della propria morte e del non intervento di Rand, almeno all’inizio, ma la possibilita’ non si puo’ escludere. Da quanto sopra, mi pare che sui non incalanatori questi giuramenti non siano cosi’ vincolanti. Come dice il proverbio, “no man can walk so long in the Shadow that he cannot come again to the Light”.

Brandon ha recentemente risposto in materia in un Q&A piuttosto fumoso, che fa sospettare di altri piani (spero qualcosa di diverso da altre lettere).
Q: “Why does Verin make Mat promise to obey her letter if he opened it in ToM? In my mind of course if he would have obeyed the letter if he read it. All that Verin had to do was say "Mat, read this in a few days it's super important" then since he didn't have any reason not to read the letter he would read it and prevent the horrible battle with the trollocs. What was Verin's reasoning?”

A: “The primary one is that Verin had to work around her oaths, which required her to go through some strange mental gymnastics. She actually tried out different ways of getting this information across, and could never make it work. (In her pouch was actually a letter that said something similar to Mat, but which read "Ignore what I say and open this immediately.) She couldn't pick it up at the moment, however. The oaths were binding. She would either have had to take poison right then, or bet on Mat being too impatient to wait.
Second thing is this, and it's a slight spoiler for the next book. She did build in redundancy”.

E comunque, una volta confessato a Egwene, Verin avrebbe potuto tranquillamente dirle di mandare un messaggio a Caemlyn per avvertire, parecchi giorni in anticipo, della minaccia. Anche se da un database di Terez, mi sembra di capire che a riguardo ci siano possibili correzioni future nella timeline.
[Modificato da Swami Holanwanda 24/09/2011 02:38]

- The best days are still to come - B. Sanderson -