00 05/01/2010 15:48
Guarda qua c'è la risposta di uno di quelli della Red Eagle che si occupano del film..
Katia gli aveva mandanto una mail con il nostro cast [SM=x494541]

SilmaCauthon, 09/12/2009 16.58:

Leggete qua:

Hi Katia,

I'm very sorry for the late reply, but I somehow overlooked the email
you wrote me long ago. My apologies.

I am with Red Eagle Entertainment, and will serve as one of the producers for the film, which is being made by Universal Pictures. We are still in development on the screenplay and the physical production will not start for some time yet. There are still many things yet to be decided, such as whether the majority of work on the film will even be done in the U.S. or in some foreign location better approximating RJ's world after the Breaking.

While are too early to begin to seek out actors for our picture, I would expect that a casting call will made by Universal in due course. I'm sorry that I can't provide you with any additional information at the present time, but I appreciate your interest in our film project.


Red Eagle Entertainment
