00 26/10/2010 00:14
Moiraine ha ragione. A supporto, cito questa chat con RJ

Barnes and Noble chat 11 November 1997
Brandon from Mission Viejo: Mr. Jordan, it's fairly common knowledge that the Dark One was bound by the Creator outside of the Pattern at the moment of creation. Would it then be safe to assume, after concepts brought to light in the new release, that the world before the opening of the prison never knew true evil? If so, then was each Age before the opening of the Age of Legends different facets of some utopia? As well, without major conflict between good and evil, what caused ages to pass? Thanks.
RJ: Given that time is cyclic, you must assume that there is a time when the prison that holds the Dark One is whole and unbroken. There is a time when a hole is drilled into that prison and it is thus open to that degree. And there is a time when the opening has been patched in a makeshift manner. But following this line, the cyclic nature of time means that we have at some time in the future inevitably a whole and unbroken prison again. Unless, of course, the Dark One breaks free, in which case all bets are off -- kick over the table and run for the window.

Il drilling of the bore aveva liberato il tenebroso solo quel tanto che bastava per influenzare il mondo, non per consentirgli di liberarsi interamente. Se questo dovesse mai succedere, succederebbe un vero 48. Invece, nella fase finale dell'età delle leggende (il Collapse) erano "solo" aumentate vertiginosamente le violenze, fino alla esplosione della Guerra del Potere vera e propria.

- The best days are still to come - B. Sanderson -